Fibroid Lunch n Learn 06

The City of Dallas Hosts Texas Uterine Fibroid Awareness Month In-Person Lunch & Learn

Uterine fibroids are a common health condition that affects up to 80% of women. To support Texas Uterine Fibroid Awareness Month, the City of Dallas held a Lunch & Learn to share more about uterine fibroid and the impact they have on women including special discussion panels with experts.

Tuesday, July 18
In-Person Texas Uterine Fibroid Awareness Month Lunch & Learn
City Hall Lobby
12:00 PM
Box lunches were available to the first 50 attendees.

We are honored that our Founder and Medical Director of Fibroid Institute Dallas, Dr. Suzanne Slonim, was invited to serve as one of the four expert panelists!

Scroll further to see photos from the event. Click on any photo to start the lightbox.

Fibroid Lunch n Learn Flyer
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